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MOTTLES on press


European Commission about MOTTLES


Based on an interview to the project coordinator Elena Paoletti, the article written by the European Commission press explains our project and our first results. Read the article"A LIFE project is monitoring tree damage caused by ozone pollution, which increases in severity with rising temperatures, to develop adaptive forestry management practices" at p. 55.


Press conference on urban forest management with Elena Paoletti


Furio Forni (Responsible for air quality - Tuscany Region), Federica Fratoni (Councilor of Environment - Tuscany Region), Elena Paoletti (Research director in CNR and MOTTLES coordinator) and Maria Grazia Petronio (responsible for public health –ASL) were invited at a press conference for the presentation of the new “Guidelines for the use of anti-smog plants”. From the press conference, the on-line article “Alberi contro l’inquinamento, arrivano le line guida per la messa a dimora nei centri urbani”



Interview to Pierre Sicard


In an on-line article about pollution realized by the National Park “Des Ecrins”, our scientist P. Sicard (ARGANS) explains the effect of ozone pollution on vegetation.



Ozone at Superquark

On the 3rd of September 2016, a documentary on the role of plants in fighting ozone pollution was aired during the most famous Italian scientific program “Superquark”. One of the Mottles scientists, Silvano Fares, talks about this issue from Castelporziano, where there are three sites of our monitoring network.
The video is worth a watch!

MOTTLES explained by the project coordinator Elena Paoletti

Which is the aim of MOTTLES? Find out with the video realized by Compagnia delle foreste at the FO3X facility of CNR (Sesto Fiorentino).

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