ȘtefăneÈ™ti – stejar
Name of the area: Ștefănești
Species: Quercus robur (Pedunculate oak)
Forest type: Lowland pedunculate oak forests
Altitude: 86 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: plan
Parent rock: Loess sediments
Soil type: Preluvosol
Annual rain: 500 mm
Mean temperature: 10 °C
Biogeographical area: Continental Temperat

Predeal – molid
Name of the area: Predeal
Species: Picea Abies (spruce) & Abies alba (silver fir)
Forest type: Mountainous mixed spruce-silver fir forest
Altitude: 1100 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 20 ° E
Parent rock: Limestone
Soil type: Eutricambosol
Annual rain: 1000 mm
Mean temperature: 4 °C
Biogeographical area: Mountain

Fundata – fag
Name of the area: Fundata
Species: Fagus sylvatica (beech)
Forest type: Beech forest
Altitude: 1300 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 20 ° W
Parent rock: Limestone
Soil type: Rendzinl
Annual rain: 1000 mm
Mean temperature: 2 °C
Biogeographical area: Mountain

MihăeÈ™ti – gorun
Name of the area: Mihăești
Species: Quercus petraea (sessile oak) & Fagus sylvatica (beech)
Forest type: Low-land – colline submountainous oak – beech forest
Altitude: 573 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 10 ° W
Parent rock: Limestone
Soil type: Luvosol
Annual rain: 850 mm
Mean temperature: 8 °C
Biogeographical area: Continental Temperate