25 May, 2020
MOTTLES Final meeting
The final meeting was done by web conference due to Covid-19 lockdown. Main points discussed were related to the finalization of last project deliverables and to the working plan for the Final Report.

1-4 July,2019
Third MOTTLES progress meeting
The third progress meeting was held from 1st to 4th July. The meeting took place at the INCDS institute of Campulung Moldovenesc (Romania)
Main issues discussed:
Storage, validation and management of meteo and ozone data: present issues and future solutions
Forest data: evaluation of the performance of the three forest health indicators in 2017-2018
Evaluation of AOT40 and POD 2017-2018 and potential use of results (Confront between MOTTLES and Eddy Co-variance Ozone fluxes 2018)
Evaluation of MOTTLES CLs 2017-2018 and potential use of results
Progresses of project indicators
Scheduling of next activity

18 September, 2018
Second MOTTLES progress meeting
Bucharest, Romania
Second Progress meeting held in Bucharest on 18th September at the INCDS Institute, Bulevardul Eroilor nr. 128 Voluntari, Ilfov.
The aim of this second progress meeting was to evaluate the progresses of the project at the beginning of the third year of the project. Main issues discussed:
Evaluation of data management at the second year of MOTTLES network
Results of the second forest survey: defining the list of species requiring validation
Comments on the report on the forest health status at each site: ozone data, crown condition, phytosociological and visible injury
Statistical analysis of tree growth data
Next deadlines (deliverables, milestones, events)

4-6 July, 2017
First MOTTLES progress meeting
Roma, Italy
The first progress meeting aimed at presenting and discussing with the MOTTLES partners the main targets and steps completed in the first project year and next goals. This meeting was held on 4-6 July, 2017 in Rome (Italy).
The MOTTLES site network was presented and discussed, with special focus on technical issues about sensors and data storage. Other important point was the definition of methodology for the use of data from the calculation of ozone metrics to the definition of critical levels, scenarios and mapping. Project progress based on the performance indicators, impacts on economy, society and environment, ozone oriented strategies of forest management were discussed. A strong focus was on dissemination aims, tools and results. Some MOTTLES dissemination material, e.g. the t-shirts, pens, usb drivers were distributed.
In the second day, the visit of two Italian MOTTLES sites (CPZ1 and CPZ2) in unique context of Castelporziano forest, allowed to carry out important exercises of inter-comparison of methodologies for forest data collection. This was the occasion to established schedule and sampling protocols for the field survey campaigns. In the last day, financial situation, mid-term report and annual dashboard were discussed and updated. Overall, the meeting was very successful and allowed to consolidate the MOTTLES consortium around the objectives and expected outputs.
The minute of the meeting are available here.

8-10 September, 2016
MOTTLES Kick-Off Meeting
Bucharest, Romania
To “kick start” the work together, Mottles people had their first meeting in Bucharest from 8th to 10th of September 2016. The perfect setting was the Institutul NaÅ£ional de Cercetare-Dezvoltare în Silvicultură “Marin Dracea”. INCDS “Marin Dracea”, previously known as ICAS, since 1933 is certified as an institution part of the Research and Development System of National Importance and as Excellence Centre at national level in the field of Forest Biology and Forest Management, by the National Authority for research and development.
During the three day-meeting, partners planned the steps for the first year of activity and discussed the first scientific, technical and financial issues of Mottles.
On the third day the group visited the level II ICP site “Mihaesti-gorun”, one of the Romanian intensive forest core-monitoring plots. The site, selected for the Mottles network, is located in the sub-Carpathian hills, in a 64 year old sessile oak tree stand mixed with beech at an altitude of 500 m. This was the best place to discuss about the equipment set-up and the sampling protocol.
Not least, during the whole meeting the work was enriched by the friendly atmosphere of Bucharest, with its delights and music!