Project Performance Indicators:
Implementation of the European Forest strategy & Attributable improvements:
Set up a permanent new-generation monitoring system for the ozone effects on EU forests
Provision of forest data sets for the EFDC & FISE
Atlas of validated ozone visible foliar injury for European forest species
Area coverage of the effects of climate change on EU forests
Number of lists of sensitive tree species for the forest sustainable management
Number of proper species-specific critical levels for forests protection against O3
Number of indicators to support future EU policies (e.g. emissions abatement strategies)
Area newly under sustainable forest management
Number of usable guidelines book for a more coherent policy on EU forest protection
Number of transfer/exchanges to ICP-Forests for encouraging the adoption of this new monitoring approach at pan-European scale
Number of intercalibration training courses with ICP-Forests experts
Number of contacted earlier/ongoing projects selected during the KO meeting
Suitability for replication and transfer
Number of know-how and experiences exchanges, expert’s workshop
Number and type of innovative technologies, cost-effective measures and best practices
Area covered by mapping of Critic Level exceedances (risk maps for vegetation)
Area covered by the assessment of regional vulnerability to climate change
Number of affected Biogeographical area
Total human population to be affected by the project
Total area to be affected by the project activities implementation
Better governance
Number of stakeholders involved in the Stakeholder Implementation Board
Number of stakeholder-oriented workshops to improve stakeholder perceptions
Number of interventions to improve awareness of climate adaptation aspects
Number of citizens, students, general public reached
Number of local authorities, NGO reached
Number of policy briefs established