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Project Performance Indicators:

Implementation of the European Forest strategy & Attributable improvements:

  • Set up a permanent new-generation monitoring system for the ozone effects on EU forests

  • Provision of forest data sets for the EFDC & FISE

  • Atlas of validated ozone visible foliar injury for European forest species

  • Area coverage of the effects of climate change on EU forests

  • Number of lists of sensitive tree species for the forest sustainable management

  • Number of proper species-specific critical levels for forests protection against O3

  • Number of indicators to support future EU policies (e.g. emissions abatement strategies)

  • Area newly under sustainable forest management

  • Number of usable guidelines book for a more coherent policy on EU forest protection



  • Number of transfer/exchanges to ICP-Forests for encouraging the adoption of this new monitoring approach at pan-European scale

  • Number of intercalibration training courses with ICP-Forests experts

  • Number of contacted earlier/ongoing projects selected during the KO meeting

Suitability for replication and transfer

  • Number of know-how and experiences exchanges, expert’s workshop

  • Number and type of innovative technologies, cost-effective measures and best practices


  • Area covered by mapping of Critic Level exceedances (risk maps for vegetation)

  • Area covered by the assessment of regional vulnerability to climate change

  • Number of affected Biogeographical area

  • Total human population to be affected by the project

  • Total area to be affected by the project activities implementation

Better governance

  • Number of stakeholders involved in the Stakeholder Implementation Board

  • Number of stakeholder-oriented workshops to improve stakeholder perceptions

  • Number of interventions to improve awareness of climate adaptation aspects

  • Number of citizens, students, general public reached

  • Number of local authorities, NGO reached

  • Number of policy briefs established

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