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MOTTLES proposes new critical levels for forest protection against Ozone. This issue arises because European standards to protect vegetation from this air pollutant are currently based on O3 concentration in the atmosphere, not on the stomatal ozone fluxes, e.g. how much ozone is effectively taken by plants. The long-term monitoring network established by Mottles will allow to combine real time O3 concentrations, meteorological parameters and the plant response indicators for ozone on vegetation (visible ozone injury, crown defoliation and hourly radial growth), hence to estimate stomatal fluxes. Therefore, this novel monitoring strategy will establish new scientifically-sound critical levels for protecting forests against ozone pollution to be used as new legislative standards in Europe. The Mottles network is located in three European countries: Italy, France and Romania, so the partners involved are ACRI-HE and GIEFS for France, CNR and CREA for Italy, and INDCS for Romania.


Our specific objectives:

  • Develop an innovative monitoring system of O3 effects on EU forests, based on active monitoring rather than passive monitoring

  • Set up a permanent new-generation monitoring system for the effects of O3 on EU forests

  • Concurrently monitor forest response indicators and O3 standards across Europe

  • Produce new criteria and usable legislative standards for protecting forests against O3 and for establishing a long-term monitoring strategy

  • Contribute to the achievement of forest policies & EU 2020 Biodiversity strategy and policy efficiency by development of proper standards for effective forest protection

  • Support the elaboration of recommendations & adaptive management strategies for sustainable forest management

  • Raise stakeholders’ and experts’ awareness about the innovative monitoring system and criteria of protection

  • Provide open-access data for incorporation into the European Forest Data Centre and the Forest

  • Information System for Europe of the EC

  • Support future EU air quality decision making

  • Assess whether some EU regions are more exposed/vulnerable to effects of Climate Change & O3

  • Allow exchanging know-how and best practices

  • Form a generation of young scientists

© 2019 by LIFE15 ENV/IT/000183 MOTTLES

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