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Workshops & Courses

18-21 September, 2018

“Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World”

Bucharest, Romania


The International workshop organized by INCDS, in Bucharest from 18th to 21st of September entitled “Forest Science for a Sustainable Forestry and Human Wellbeing in a Changing World had a great success, with more than 200 persons, from 16 Countries.
MOTTLES organized a session addressed to stakeholders (“Bridging science and decision-making for monitoring ozone harm to forests”).


Download this file for more info or visit conference website.


1-5 October, 2018

Combined Expert Panel Meeting of ICP-Forestsv

Zvolen, Slovakia


MOTTLES presented its results at the ICP-Forests meeting held in Zvolen from 1st to 5th October.
ICP-Forests is the International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests operating under the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP).

More info at link.

21-25 May, 2018

Ozone and Plant Ecosystems Conference

Organized by MOTTLES in collaboration with ICP-vegetation and IUFRO (RG7.01.00)

Sant’Apollonia, Firenze, Italy

The conference on 21-25 May 2018 in Sant’Apollonia Auditorium Florence, Italy, allowed experts in the field of interactions between ozone and plant ecosystems to meet and discuss the state-of-the-art and future strategies for decision-makers. In their discussions the 107 participants from 29 countries focused on three main subjects:


  1. Monitoring, modelling and assessing the risk of ozone damage to plant ecosystems

  2. How plant ecosystems affect ozone concentration in the atmosphere

  3. How plant ecosystems respond to ozone exposure


Thanks to the broad participation of experts from different countries and subjects, the conference offered an important opportunity to define the state-of-the-art of the challenging interactions between ozone and plant ecosystems. Even if control measures for ozone are becoming effective, especially in Europe and North America, there is an urgent need to fill research and knowledge gaps and to collaborate for future strategies for decision-makers at global level.


Download this file for more info or visit conference website.


13-15 September, 2016

ICP Forests Intercalibration course on ozone visible foliar injury

Brasov (Transilvania, Romania)

Marcus Schaub and Elena Gottardini (UNECE ICP Forests Expert Panel on Ambient Air Quality) and Ovidiu Badea and Diana Silaghi (Mottles-INDCS) organized the ICP Forests EP and Intercalibration Course of the EP AAQ meeting at the Transilvania University of Brasov, Faculty of Silviculture and Forest Engineering. Mottles survey team attended the course together with researchers and students of all around Europe. The three days in Brasov offered a unique opportunity to practice in the evaluation of visible ozone injury, in the installment of “perfect” LESS and microscopic validation of symptoms. The skills acquired by the mottles team will be used during the annual surveys.



12 September, 2016

Course on tree crown defoliation assessment

Brasov (Transilvania, Romania)

The Mottles surveyor team attended a course about the “Defoliation Assessment” given by Ovidiu Badea divided in a theory lecture and a practical training in field.

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