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Name of the area: Passo Lavazè
Species: Picea abies (Norway spruce)
Forest type: Subalpine pure spruce forests
Altitude: 1800 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 10° NNW
Parent rock: Volcanic rocks
Soil type: Haplic Podzols (Acid)
Annual rain: 1000 mm
Mean temperature: 8 °C
Biogeographical area: Alpine


Name of the area: Pian Cansiglio
Species: Fagus sylvatica (beech)
Forest type: Mountainous beech forest
Altitude: 1100 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 5° E
Parent rock: Limestome
Soil type: Haplic Luvisol
Annual rain: 1900 mm
Mean temperature: 5 °C
Biogeographical area: Alpine


Name of the area: Val Sessera (Bioglio – BI)
Species: Fagus sylvatica (beech)
Forest type: Mountainous beech forest
Altitude: 1150 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 30° WNW
Parent rock: Metamorphic rocks
Soil type: Haplic Podzols (acid)
Annual rain: 1500 mm
Mean temperature: 8 °C
Biogeographical area: Continental


Name of the area: Cittadella, Carrega forest (Sala – Beganza – PR)
Species: Quercus petraea (Sessile oak)
Forest type: Mixed oak forests
Altitude: 200 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: Plain
Parent rock: Alluvial deposits
Soil type: Haplic Luvisols (acid)
Annual rain: 1200 mm
Mean temperature: 12 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean


Name of the area: Monaldesca – Monterufeno (Acquapendente – VT)
Species: Quercus cerris (Turkey oak)
Forest type: Quercus cerris dominated forests
Altitude: 690 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 5° WNW
Parent rock: Sedimentary rocks
Soil type: Dystric Cambisols (acid)
Annual rain: 1000 mm
Mean temperature: 12 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean

LAZ3 a

Name of the area: Castelporziano (Roma)
Species: Quercus ilex (Holm oak)
Forest type: Sclerophyllous forests
Altitude: 0 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: plain
Parent rock: Volcanic rocks
Soil type: Alluvial soil
Annual rain: 740 mm
Mean temperature: 17 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean

LAZ3 b

Name of the area: Castelporziano (Roma)
Species: Phillyrea latifolia
Forest type: Sclerophyllous forests
Altitude: 0 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: plain
Parent rock: Volcanic rocks
Soil type: Alluvial soil
Annual rain: 740 mm
Mean temperature: 17 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean


Name of the area: Castelporziano (Roma)
Species: Pinus pinea (Italian stone pine)
Forest type: Thermophilous pine forests
Altitude: 0 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: plain
Parent rock: Volcanic rocks
Soil type: Alluvial soil
Annual rain: 740 mm
Mean temperature: 17 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean


Name of the area: Selva Piana, Serra Lunga (Collelongo – AQ)
Species: Fagus sylvatica (beech)
Forest type: Mountainous beech forests
Altitude: 1500 m a.s.l.
Slope inclination and aspect: 5-10° S
Parent rock: sedimentary limestone
Soil type: Humic Acrisols (acid)
Annual rain: 1300 mm
Mean temperature: 10 °C
Biogeographical area: Mediterranean


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