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CNR National Reasearch Council – Italy

The National Research Council (CNR) is the largest public research institution in Italy. Cnr’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources.


The Institute of Research on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET) is the coordinator of MOTTLES.


The main thematic areas of IRET-CNR are: Structure and functioning of terrestrial ecosystems; Sustainable management of ecosystems; Impact of climate change on ecosystems; Role of ecosystems in the mitigation of global change; Impact of pollution on ecosystems.


CNR is the coordinating beneficiary and the leader for actions B1, E1, E2, E3


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Elena Paoletti, Research Director at IRET-CNR and plant ecophysiologist; she works in particular with the impacts of air pollution and climate change on plant ecosystems. She is Project Manager and Project Coordinator.

CNR MOTTLES STAFF: Elisa Carrari (project management assistance-IRET); Yasutomo Hoshika (modeller-IRET); Alessandra Podda, Alessandro Anav (scientists-IRET); Moreno Lazzara (technician-IPSP); Alessio Giovannelli (scientist expert in xilogenesis-IRET); Alessandro Materassi, Gianni Fasano, Francesco Sabatini (technicians-IBE).


ARGANS – France

ARGANS is a Medium Enterprises located in Plymouth UK (headquarters) and Biot (France). ARGANS specializes in satellite-based Earth Observation, remote-sensing applications and services, and geographical information systems used to map and monitor the marine, atmospheric and terrestrial environments. ARGANS-FR consists of a team of engineers and doctors specialized in modelling domains

of physical phenomena applied to environmental issues, in particular concerning the atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. ARGANS-FR performs research activities related to theoretical and numerical fluid dynamics, geophysics, ocean and atmosphere modelling, develops and operates information services related to the surveillance and forecast of the Earth environment. ARGANS-FR is strongly involved in local and European level projects targeting high technology tools for risk management. ARGANS-FR exploits and combines numerical models, remote sensing and in-situ data to carry out services of follow-up and forecast of the natural phenomena or those induced by human activities. ARGANS-FR has expert skills in atmosphere modelling which has allowed its participation and lead of numerous studies and research topics. This expertise has been widely exploited at European level to develop precursor services in the frame of the EU or ESA funded projects addressing the air quality related topics and services.


ARGANS-FR is the leader for actions B3 & D1 (from January 1st, 2019)


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Pierre Sicard, expert in air pollution and climate change impacts on forests. He works on ozone fluxes modelling and geo-statistics.

ACRI-HE – France

ACRI-HE is a Small and Medium Enterprises located in Brest, Marseille and Sophia-Antipolis (France). ACRIHE performs research activities related to theoretical and numerical fluid dynamics, geophysics, ocean and atmosphere modelling, develops and operates information services related to the surveillance and forecast of the Earth environment. ACRI-HE is strongly involved in local and European level projects targeting high technology tools for risk management. ACRI-HE exploits and combines numerical models,


remote sensing, in-situ data and GPS system to carry out services of follow-up and forecast of the natural phenomena or those induced by human activities. ACRI-HE has expert skills in atmosphere modelling which has allowed its participation and lead of numerous studies and research topics. This expertise has been widely exploited at European level to develop precursor services in the frame of the EU funded projects (e.g. ASTHMA, UFOS, TOUGH) or ESA GMES (PROMOTE Stage 1 & 2) addressing the air quality related topics and services.

ACRI-HE consists of a team of engineers and doctors specialized in modelling domains of physical phenomena applied to environmental issues, in particular concerning the atmospheric chemistry and dynamics. ACRI-HE has developed and is currently operating 24/24 and 7/7 the forecast and surveillance monitoring system of the photochemical pollution for several French regions (“Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur, Alsace, Pays de la Loire) where associations have the mandate to monitor and to report on the air quality status. This system is based on meteorological (MM5, WRF) and photochemistry transport (CHIMERE) models where in situ data are assimilated.



ACRI-HE is the leader for actions B3 & D1 (until December 31, 2018)


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Pierre Sicard, expert in air pollution and climate change impacts on forests. He works on ozone fluxes modelling and geo-statistics.

CREA Council for Agricultural Research and Economics – Soil-Plant System

CREA is a national research organisation with general scientific competence within the fields of agriculture, agroindustry, food, fisheries and forestry.
CREA operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and has legal personality under public law. The CREA is composed by 4 departments and by 48 research centres and units. The CREA-Research Centre for the Soil-Plant System (CREA-RPS) is the associated beneficiary which contributes to MOTTLES. The staff is composed by 52 permanent units (25 researcher/technologists, 15 technicians; and 16


administrative) and by temporary units hired on specific projects. The CREA-RPS in Rome has laboratories withadvanced analytical instruments and field experiments. The laboratory of biometeorology is involved in experimental research on plant-atmosphere interactions in response to environmental stress and modelling plant responses to climate change.



CREA is the leader for action for B4


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Silvano Fares, expert on gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere in response to abiotic stress. Head of laboratories of plant ecophysiology and biometeorology of CREA-RPS in Rome as a permanent researcher.

CREA MOTTLES STAFF: Alessandro Alivernini (researcher, modeller); Luca Salvati (researcher, statistics, geography and environmental modelling); Adriano Conte (scientist); Valerio Moretti (technician); Tiziano Sorgi (informatics); Filippo Ilardi (field assistance); Alessandra De Marco (modeller-ENEA).

Groupe International d’Etudes des Forêts Sud-européennes – France

GIEFS is an association created in 1995 to study ecosystems responses to biotic and abiotic stres in the Mercantour National park, the “Alpes-Maritimes” county and to the whole Provence-Alpes-Côted’Azur region. Main realisations are: ecosystems responses to biotic and abiotic stress, assessment of ozone-induced


injury, soil and leaf analysis, biochemical dosages, pedology and phenology studies, botanical surveys, microscopical analysis.
Expertise: eco-physiology, communication, management, local policy, knowledge transfer. GIEFS seeks to better understand the science-policy interface through working with stakeholders, at regional and national scales.

At the national scale, since 2001, GIEFS realizes a follow-up of ozone effects at experimental plots (RENECOFOR) of the National Office of Forests. Regularly, macroscopic observations, samplers and microscopic analyses are made in order to confirm observed symptoms of ozone action on forests. These activities are in agreement with the European protocol defined by the ICP-Forests (International Cooperative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution on Forests, European Economic Commission). GIEFS seeks to better understand the science-policy interface through working with stakeholders, at regional and national scales.



GIEFS is the leader for action D2


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Laurence Dalstein-Richier senior scientist, ICP-Forest Expert and Expert for the National Office of Forests in France. She is working on the air pollution impacts on ecosystems and biodiversity.

GIEFS MOTTLES STAFF: Marie-lyne Ciriani (scientist).

Institutul NaÈ›ional de Cercetare Dezvoltare în Silvicultură “Marin Drăcea” – Romania

INCDS is specialized in research (190 researchers) and implementation of new technologies in forestry sectors, to assure sustainable management of Romanian forests. INCDS is the main manager for scientific and technical information in the forestry sector in Romania and is supervised by Academy for Agricultural and Forestry Science. INCDS is member of IUFRO, IPGRI and ISTA. It is a National Focal Center of ICPForests since 1990 and participated in various EU projects or on bilateral basis cooperation (US Forest Service, INRA).
The main strategic direction, based on the European and national Environmental policies, are: 1) Ensuring the stability, management and increase of the functional effectiveness of forest ecosystems under environmental changes; 2) Preservation and improvement of the genetic diversity of forests; 3) Scientific foundation of the


silvotechnical, ecological reconstruction works and torrential watershed planning; 4) Research and evaluation of the biologic diversity of forests and their related ecosystems; 5) Preservation of biodiversity.

The research activity carried out by the Dendrometrics Laboratory is characterized by an integrated approach of inter- and multi-disciplinarily issues specific to dendrochronology and long-term ecological monitoring of forest ecosystems under diverse stress factors. Since 1997, the laboratory is carrying integrated research on air pollution effects (especially ozone) on forest ecosystems in 2 LTER sites (Retezat, Bucegi-Piatra Craiului) and in the Intensive monitoring Network (Level II ICP-Forests). INCDS team involved in MOTTLES have a large experience in integrated and multidisciplinary research (dendrometry, forest management planning, long-term monitoring of forests).



INDCS is the leader for actions B2 & C1


MOTTLES RESPONSIBLE: Ovidiu Badea, forest ecologist. Deputy Coordinator for the IUFRO WP. 7.01.01, leader of ICP-Forest National Focal Centre, Member of the Romanian Scientific Programme Committee for Forestry in Horizon 2020 Program.

INDCS MOTTLES STAFF: Diana Silaghi, Stefan Leca, Chivulescu Serban, Flaviu Popescu (scientists); Răducu Stănculeanu, Alexandru Dobre (technicians); Ionel Popa (scientist-Romanian Forest Research and Management Institute).

© 2019 by LIFE15 ENV/IT/000183 MOTTLES

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