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B. Implementation actions

B1 – Set up of the monitoring system & data collection

B2 – Modelling stomatal ozone uptake

B3 – Derivation of new critical levels for forest protection

B4 – Mapping & Future scenarios

In action B Mottles set up a network of 17 integrated monitoring stations, by installing O3 active monitors, metereological sensors and dendrometers at each site. The surveyor team conducts an annual assessments for visible foliar O3 injury, crown defoliation radial growth, phenology, leaf-level stomatal conductance and microscopical analysis, together with phytosociological & pedological descriptions. The recorded plant response indicators are then correlated with stomatal O3 fluxes (B2) and evaluated to establish the best criteria and thresholds for forest protection from O3 (B3). Data will be inputs to map exceedances under projected climates (B4) to address forest policies & options for implementation of sustainable forest management.

C. Monitoring of the impact of the project actions

C1 – Monitoring the impact of the project actions

C2 – Assessment of the project actions impacts on local economy and population

C3 – Forest health and resiliency through integrated management practices


This action aims to measure the concrete impact of Mottles, using performance indicators. The social impact is defined as progress in terms of population and local authorities’ awareness, knowledge and sensitivity about risk related to air pollution and Climate Change. Ad-hoc questionnaires are submitted to selected stakeholders, before, during and after the project implementation, through web, mailing-lists and interviews (C1). The economic impact is verified with an ex-ante and post-intervention approach by using interviews to local organizations involved in wood industry or forest management; while the environmental impact is assessed by comparing the traditional monitoring method with the one proposed by Mottles, through a LCA (Life Cicle Assessment) approach (C2). Action C3 summarizes the new knowledge produced in MOTTLES for evaluating expected risks and benefits of adaptation/mitigation options, and transfer of scientifically-sound information to policy makers and the general public. The project also reviews forest management practices adopted to date for adaptation to climate change.

D. Public awareness and dissemination of results

D1 – Integration, Dissemination and Execution

D2 – Science-policy-stakeholder interaction

D3 – After-LIFE Communication plan


This action synthesizes key findings and disseminates reliable information generated by MOTTLES, provides the basis of dissemination campaigns and results exploitation, prepares and conducts outreach activities with a wide range of stakeholders, create the basis for long-lived exploitation of MOTTLES results, help practitioners and decision makers to make use of the new knowledge generated by MOTTLES.
According with the different sub-actions, Mottles uses different tools:


  • Website, Facebook, Twitter, Distribution of leaflets and brochures, Layman’s report, Notice boards (D1)

  • Meetings, Workshops (D2)

  • After-LIFE communication plan (D3)

E. Project management

E1 – Project Management

E2 – Monitoring of the project progress

E3 – External audit

Action E1 defines the management structure of the project. The management relies on a Project Management Team (PMT, steering committee) with Project Coordinator, Quality Assurance Controller and two leaders. PMT is responsible for the overall project management and decide the SIB Stakeholder Involvement Board. Action E2 is specifically designed to measure the effectiveness of the project actions as compared to initial situation, objectives and expected results. Following, the rules of LIFE, the certified financial accounted for the whole project is assured by an external audit (E3).

© 2019 by LIFE15 ENV/IT/000183 MOTTLES

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