Sensitive broadleaf species
For broadleaf species, visible foliar ozone injury can be identified and distinguished from symptoms caused by other biotic/abiotic factors:
- Visible ozone injury occurs on fully developed leaves that are exposed to full sunlight.
- Symptoms are more severe on mid-aged and older leaves than on younger leaves. Older leaves are the first ones to develop symptoms (age effect).
- Shaded portions of the leaves (i.e. if two leaves overlap) usually do not show any injury (shade effect).
- Visible ozone injury normally does not go through the leaf tissue. Visible symptoms are most likely confined to the upper leaf surface, typically expressed as tiny purpled, yellow or black spots (described as stipples) or sometimes as a general even discoloration, reddening or bronzing.
- Both stippling and even discoloration only occur between the veins (interveinal) and do not affect the veins.
- Towards the end of the growing season, foliar symptoms may progress to leaf yellowing or premature senescence.
Arbutus unedo - Strawberry Tree (validated by MOTTLES at FO3X)

Acer campestre - Field Maple (Symptoms induced in controlled conditions-fumigation with ozone) Photo: V. Calatayud http://www.ozoneinjury.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=5&Itemid=5

Acer pseudoplatanus - Sycamore maple (visible injury observed in field Spain) photo: J. Cervero, http://www.ozoneinjury.org/

Alnus glutinosa – Black alder (visible injury observed at MORV-France)

Carpinus betulus – European hornbeam (visible injury observed at MORV-France)

Clamatis vitalba- Traveller's Joy (visible injury observed at LAZ1-Italy):

Corylus avellana – Hazelnut (visible injury observed at PIE1-Italy)

Fagus sylvatica - Beech (visible injury observed at VEN1-Italy)

Malus sylvestris- European crabapple (visible injury observed at LESS, France)

Prunus avium – Cherry (visible injury observed at LCAS-France)

Prunus spinosa – Blackthorn (visible injury observed at LAZ1-Italy)

Quercus robur – Pedunculate oak (visible injury validated by MOTTLES at FO3X)

Salix caprea – Pussy willow (visible injury observed at REV-France)

Sorbus aria - Whitebeam (visible injury observed at LCAS-France)

Sorbus aucuparia – Rowan (visible injury validated by MOTTLES at FO3X)

Vaccinium myrtillus - bilberry (visible injury validated by MOTTLES at FO3X):

Viburnum opulus - Guelder-rose (visible injury observed at MORVAN-France)